Switch to CentOS now
Today we discussing about a new technology that  is CentOS. CentOS is an operating system. As these days every person uses Windows operating system. No doubt Windows operating system is easy to use just because of its Graphical interface. So, with the use of  graphics everyone can easily use it even a child of maximum 5 year old can easily use the Windows. But if a thing has some advantages it has also some disadvantages.

Similarly, Windows operating system has also some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is its less security or user data is not more secure because windows is easily affected by the viruses and hack by the hacker. So, what we do if want great security of our data in less amount? There is an other Operating system which solve some problem of  windows operating system and one of it is CentOS operating system i.e, based on Linux. CentOS operating system is more secure than windows operating system. The important thing or fact about CentOS is that it is of free cost. It means you need nothing to pay for CentOS operating system install on your system.

So, I think now you have a small idea about what is Centos? And we switch to CentOS from Windows. In this I will tell you some reasons or fact that why every person should switch to CentOS. So, here we taking about:-

So, first we discussed about what is CentOS? Lets start

1. What is CentOS?


 CentOS i.e, Community Enterprise Operating System is a Linux based operating system. CentOS is linux distribution i.e, derived from Red Hut Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is freeware software that means there is no cost to download it. It is based on linux distribution so its OS family is Linux. 

CentOS founder is Lance Davis.

And its primary developer is David Parsley and the Davis hold the domain of CentOS . In July 2010, the 30% of linux web server use the Centos server. In January 2014, CentOS project is sponsor by Red Hat. Red Hat is a software company who assemble the linux based compontes that are open source and easily order and implement.As we know Linux based operating system are more secure than windows, so CentOS is also secure operating system and it also has some other features over windows are:-

  •   Its maintenance is low.
  •   It is open source software.
  •   It is free of cost.
  •   It is reliable.
  •   It is  predictable.
  •   It has reproductive environment.
So, from  above I think you can briefly understand what is CentOS? So, now we discussed about its versions and which is CentOS latest version?

2. CentOS Versions: - 

From its released date  Centos has version from the numbering 2 to 7. CentOS first released on 14th May 2014  and it name as CentOS Version 2. Centos versions are 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7. There is also versions like 2.1, 3.9 etc. Now CentOS- 7 version is running. CentOS -7 has  following series of  version 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 ,7.5 . Now only three major versions of centos are active. These are CentOS-5, CentOS-6,  CentOS-7. Centos older version does not support the latest version.  Its mean some functionality of centos latest version is not work in centos older version. 

CentOS project provide the updates only for the main or major branch. Here, branch means CentOS-5.6 or 6.0 etc. That means if the latest minor version is CentOS -5 is 5.5. Then the update is only for minor version of 5. If you update the version i.e, minor from the latest minor version then you miss the security and bugfix updates. That is not good for your system bcoz now your system is up to date but it has lack of security aspects.   

                  CentOS latest version is CentOS 7.5 i.e, released on 10th May 2018.


centos-7 version and release date
Centos-7 version and release date

3. CentOS Firewall:- 

centos firewall

As security is a major aspect of every field but its importance is increase when you work on the system and your data is sensitive. As CentOS is more secure than windows so there is lass chance of virus is coming in your system. But if someone wants to use firewall features in CentOS than he/she can use Firewalld.
Firewalld is one of the tools of the Linux  Operating system. Firewalld tool is use for firewall management in Linux operating system or in CentOS. Firewalld act as frontend for Linux kernal to provide the all features of  firewall. It is available on CentOS server.  It provide both command line and graphical interface. So, the user who has less knowledge about command line interface can also use firewalld by its graphical interface.

4.CentOS YUM :-

centos yum
centos yum

  CentOS  yum is  command line interface. In this all things are done with the help of commands.Before starting about CentOS yum one should know about Yum.

What is Yum? 

Basically yum is open source software for command line utility. YUM stands for Yellowdog Updater, Modified. ? Yum is developed by Seth Vidal under GPL (General Public License). Yum allow the user to install packages, automatic updates ,packages, deleting packages etc. As Yum is command line interface but there are several tools that provide the fuctionality to the user to run or work on yum graphically or graphical user interface.

Now what is CentOS Yum? CentOS yum is nothing it just manging the CentOS by yum or yum commands. With the help of  CentOS yum one can handle the operations of packages of CentOS i.e, install, remove, update, get info of packages, check the updation of  packages, to install group of packages, to get list of all install packages and CentOS yum also store cache.   So, now we have a brief idea that what is centos? , what is centos firewall? , Centos versions, Centos yum. Now I think we should download it and try to use it atleast  one time bcoz there is no need to pay even a 1rs for download. So, what you waiting for? Download it now. Here, am discussed the detail and steps of download and install the centos with the help of  images. By these points you easily download and install it on your system.

 5. How to download CentOS-7 and install it? 

For downloading the centos simply write download centos or download centos latest version in google or  browser. There you have a lot of option or sites which provide centos or where you can download it. But the easy step is go to Centos official website www.centos.org . Here you  can easily download it. By selecting its ISO image. CentOS -7 is now for 64 bit platform bcoz now mostly servers are 634 bits. As the CentOS latest version is CentOS-7 that’s why am discussed here steps of installation of CentOS-7.

After download, the centos ISO image, install it on your system by following these steps :-

Step 1: Create a bootable drive
After downloading, create a USB bootable drive and you must have atleast 4.3GB space. Here,  * /dev/sdb is the usb device.

Step 2: Start installation
To start installation of centos, click on install on hard drive icon on the desktop. The installation will begin.

Step 3: Select your language and keyboard type
centos language selection
centos language selection

Select a language in which you want to install centos and also select your keyboard type .  Be careful when select keyboard type otherwise it will end up with a few scrambled keys.

Step 4: Select installation destination
By default the anaconda select the partitioning of hard drive automatically. To change it in custom partitioning, click on the installation destination icon. Now select a hard drive in which you want to install the centos and in Other Storage Options, choose I will configure partitioning then click Done.

Step 5: Select partitioning 
Next step choose a partitioning scheme for mount points. In this select a standard partitioning.

Step 6: Create a swap space
From one of the partition, you can create swap space and set it capacity as you desire but it is also dependent on your system RAM. Now, choose a file system from swap space as swap and reformat it by reformatting option. You can also change it name from swap what you want but swap name describes it.

Step 7: Create a mount point
Now, Create mount point where you install root partition. According to your requirements you need to put the home, boot, and root on the different mount point. For this, we have mount point that is /. After creating a mount point, describe the label or name and their desired capacity. Use descriptive name for the label if it is used by different administrators.For reformat , choose file system as ext4 then click on reformat option.

Step 8: Accept Changes
After done Step 7 and Step 8 successfully, click on Done button. After click on done button, a prompt window will appear with the summary of changes you done. If you want no more  changes or you done it all then click on Accept Changes.

Step 9: Set Date and time
After accept changes, the next step is to set  your system date and time. To set date and time click on clock icon in localization menu and select your time zone in the world map and then click on Done button.

Step 10: Start Installation
After completed or configuring all things and select location click on Begin installation button. After click on button the installation will start immediately and after installation begin you need to create a user account and set your root password.

Step 11: Set root password
Before creating user account, set root password from root password option. Confirm  your password and click on Done.      

Step 12 : Create user account
After create  root password, the  next step is to create user account. For creating user account fill all detail correctly and  also mention is it administrator account by tick on make this administrator and set a password for this account for your system security.

Step13 : Complete installation
After all these steps, the installer complete the installation of software and the bootloader.After completing the installation,  a successful message is appear on your system screen.

These all are step for install the CentOS-7 that you should  follow. I think by these steps you can understand the installation of  CentOs-7.            

6. Why CentOS is more secure than Window :-

centos security
centos security

As centos is linux based operating system and we all know Linux is more secure than the window so basically centos is also more secure than the window.  Here, is some points by which we decide centos is more secure.

i) As viruses use extension .exe to enter in your system but the centos do not support .exe  extension. So, there is no chance the viruses enter in your system. 

ii) As CentOS is linux based system and linux is community driven.  That means if there is any problem occur in your system it will solve in few hours.

iii) The most of  hackers target the windows user as windows is widely used operating system.

iv) In Linux based operating system, the account privileges are set. That means the user has a lower level account and usually they has no root access. That means if  Linux based operating system is compromised, the virus does not get root access easily.

v) There is a large number of developers and testers that are working on the code. So, they can easily found any flaws and fixed it quickly. But in Windows operating system a limited paid developers are working. So, finding flaws and fixed them is not done quickly or time-consuming.    

7. Difference b/w CentOS and Windows:-

window vs centos
window vs centos

CentOS operating system is different from the Windows operating system on the basis of various points. So, let's start discussing these points.

Key Points
CentOS is free operating system
But for window one should pay some money
More secure
Less  secure
User interface
Command-line, GNOME and KDE Plasma Desktop 
Graphical user interface or Windows shell
Free software (GPL and other licenses)
Proprietary commercial software
Market Target
Free computing
Personal computing
Open source
Closed / shared source

So, now I think that you want to use the CentOS. In other words, you decide to switch to Centos just because of its advantages over Windows.

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Airdrop: The Complete Guide to iPhone Airdrop

airdrop on iphone

How to use Airdrop on iPhone  

Related:  Configure the airdrop on Mac and its uses

These days our most work is done with the help of mobile phones. We do our all work like making documents, presentation, video making, and playing games with mobile phones.  And one of the best choice or demand of people in mobile phone brand is iPhone. Just because of its wide range of features. I- phone offers many features to its user like Airdrop, Facial recognition, Finger print sensor, Gyroscopic sensor, its camera quality etc. And also IPhone giveshigh security.

“The first iPhone is released on 29th June 2007 By Apple Inc.”
“Latest iPhone is iPhone-X released on 3rd November 2017.”

Today we discuss about one of the features of iPhone named as Airdrop or apple airdrop.  But most of the people do not know about the airdrop. But that does not mean airdrop is not easy to use. Airdrop is so easy to share photos, documents with a people stand besides you. Airdrop is app of apple which gives the functionality of user to share pictures, video, contact etc with one person or in group.

 Airdrop is just like share it app of android phones which is also use to send picture, applications etc. with another people without Internet. So, let’s start our topic Airdrop.

1) What is Airdrop? :-

airdrop icon
Airdrop icon

Airdrop is one of the features of iPhone that is used in iOS as well as in Mac operating system. Airdrop is use to send files between the Mac users or iPhone users or between the Mac and iPhone over the Bluetooth and Wifi.In airdrop, the user can send the file without any size restriction.

Before knowing about iPhone airdrop, first we have to know what does airdrop means?

Airdrop simply means lift the objects or transfer the files over the air or over the wireless media. There is first airdrop is like aircraft that is used and developed during the World War 2.

2) How does airdrop work? :-

To share files, airdrop creates a peer to peer network between to devices. So, there is a question what is peer to peer network? A peer to peer network is a connection between two system that are connected as LAN (Local Area Network) network and it is done like wireless network.

Airdrop is use or create peer to peer network between two devices. Airdrop use Bluetooth and Wifi functionality for file sharing.

Airdrop working on iPhone
Working of airdrop on iPhone

The working of airdrop on iPhone is as following:-  

 I.   Airdrop use both Bluetooth and Wifi for sharing the files between devices.
II.  Firstly airdrop create peer to peer Wifi network with the help of Bluetooth
III.  After this a firewall is create or built by each device around the connection.
IV.   After create firewall files that are send encrypt for the purpose of security which safer or secure than transferring data by email.
V.    Airdrop automatically discovers the nearby devices.
VI.  The user simply needs to close to another device so that a good Wifi connection is built.
VII.  Sharing files over the Wifi is much faster as compared to other technology of file sharing named as Bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communication).
VIII.  A large file is easily and quickly sends over the Wifi.
IX.  One of the advantages of using airdrop that is it has no restriction of size of file.

3) How to use airdrop?

Related: How to use airdrop from iPhone to iPhone

Airdrop is easy to use. To share files or any media with the people who stand besides you is quite easy with the help of airdrop or by using airdrop.

Use of Airdrop:-

II. To share file or media
III. To accept or reject Airdrop request

I.To access the airdrop:-

  1. Swipe down your screen or display of your iPhone and touch to open the control center.
  2. Now, touch the box that is locate on upper left to open the menu with options Bluetooth,  Airplane mode and other connectivity icons.
  3. Expand it to open or display additional control like Airdrop.
  4. Touch airdrop to open it quick access control menu.
  5. Here, you can set your visibility and more things.

Airdrop quick access control menu has following three options:-

Airdrop Control menu
Airdrop Control menu

  1. Receiving off: - This option is used to block any airdrop request from any device. In other word, it is used as disable the visibility of your device.
  2. Contacts only :- If you select this option then the user that are present in your contact list can send you airdrop request and it block the airdrop request from unknown person or a person that is not save in your contact list.  
  3. Everyone: - When you select that option then your device is show to each and every nearby person whether he is in your contact list or not.

II. To share file or media:- 

  • First the person is near to you whom you send media or file. 
  • However airdrop is also reach to person that is in another room if both devices have correct      permissions to airdrop. 
  • Airdrop allows you to share media or file from the work you do. That means if you view images    then you can send it from here.
  • You simply select or touch the share button like thatairdrop share icon.It will allow you to send or share picture through Airdrop, Facebook, etc. 
  • Now, select airdrop option.
  • Select the devices with which you want to share your file.
  • Now, if receiver accepts your request, your file is sent.  

III. To accept or reject/ decline Airdrop request:- 

Transfer the data through airdrop on iPhone
Transfer the data through airdrop on iPhone

As sharing the content, photo, video by airdrop is easy, similarly accept or reject the airdrop request or transfer is also very easy.

Suppose you set your visibility or set ”everyone” option then a person on public place that is not known by you send you airdrop request then It’s on you that you accept or decline its request or transfer. Steps for accept or decline:-
  1. When a person send you a airdrop request then automatically a screen is appear
  2. Which has two option one is "Accept” and other is “Decline”.
  3. If you select “Accept” then the airdrop transfer become successful.
  4. But if you select “Decline” then transfer is interrupt or cancel.
But one thing keep in your mind the screen will appear only if the transfer between two different peoples. But if you airdrop or transfer to yourself then the screen will not appear. Because it assume you as both devices use same Apple ID.

4) What does airdrop do?

Now, we know how to use airdrop. So, let’s start for which purpose airdrop is use? Airdrop is used for various purposes such as sharing photos, videos, contacts even you can also airdrop a website with your friend that you at that time.

Airdrop is used for following purpose:-

II.To share photos and videos
III.To share contacts
IV. To share a group of photos and other media

And many more things.
As Airdrop is “ON” one can use for as following:-

I. To share any document:-

  1. Firstly select a file or document you want to share with your friend.
  2. Touch the share button.
  3. Select the airdrop option.
  4. Now, you see a list of available devices select one with you want to share it
  5. Once he accepts you request the file will sent to him.
  6. And “sent” is display under its device name.

II. To share photos and videos:-

how to airdrop photos
Airdrop photos

Airdrop is also use to share pictures and videos with your friends. To share photo or video follow these steps:-
  1. Open your gallery, select photo or video you want to share.
  2. Touch or click share button.
  3. Select Airdrop option.
  4. After selecting airdrop, you see list of available devices.
  5. Choose with which you want to share your photo or video.
  6. Once he accepts your airdrop request a “sent” is display under your friend device name.

    III. To share contacts:-

    Share contact through airdrop
    Share contact

    iPhone has feature to share the contacts with another devices.You can share your contacts with Airdrop. But you can share one contact at one time. To share the contacts or airdrop contacts follow the steps:-
    1. First open your ‘Phone’ app.
    2. Now tap on the name or contact you want to share.
    3. Options are come by which you share your contact.
    4. Select Airdrop.
    5. Once your friend accept your request, “sent” is display under device name.

     V.  To share a group of photos and other media:-

    Airdrop is also use to share group of photos, videos, documents etc. To share group of photos, videos etc with your friend follow the following steps:-
    1. To send group of photos and other media simply select more than one photo.
    2. And then tap on share button
    3. Select the Airdrop
    4. Now, select the person with which you want to share that group of photos.
    5. Once he accepts your airdrop request, the will sent.


    5) Learn about airdrop settings:-

    Airdrop settings means set it option like turn on, turn off, receiving option etc.  Airdrop settings are following:-

    II. How to turn off Airdrop?
    III.  Airdrop different receiving option

      I.  How to turn on Airdrop? 

    Airdrop is turn on
    Airdrop is turn on

    If you not find how to turn on your Airdrop on iPhone and you visit or go to iPhone or iPad settings then you go on to wrong track. Because iPhone give an easy access from the control screen. Follow these steps:-
    1. Swipe up your iPhone screen from the bottom.
    2. Now the control screen or panel is show you see some options like airplane mode etc.
    3. Append control screen, now the other options are display.
    4. Here, you see airdrop, by simple tap on airdrop the airdrop is turn on.

      II.   How to turn off Airdrop? :-

            Turn off your airdrop is so easy. Just tap on airdrop icon in control panel again. It will turn off your Airdrop. 

    III.    Use of different Receiving options:

     Airdrop has three receiving options. These are:-
    1. Receiving off : - It will block all airdrop requests.
    2. Everyone: - will allow each and every people that is nearby you whether you know him or not.
    3. Contacts only: - It allows only peoples that are save in your contact list.

    6) How to troubleshoot the Airdrop:- 

    Troubleshoot the airdorp on iPhone
    Troubleshoot the airdrop on iPhone

    Troubleshoot the airdrop on iPhone

    We study about airdrop working and its uses now we discuss on airdrop not working or how to troubleshoot the airdrop. When we face some trouble to do anything and try to remove it is called as troubleshooting. Many iPhone users face trouble to work with iPhone Airdrop. The main troubles that are faces by the user are following:-
    ”Having trouble to transfer the data or media or document or photo etc to another user”

    This problem is occurring by the following reasons:-

    I. If your Bluetooth or Wifi may not be enabled or on. Both should be enabled because airdrop use both of them. 
    II. If your personal hotspot is on.
    III. If receiver set “contacts only” option and you are not in list. 
    IV.  If both devices are not near to each other.

    Do following steps to troubleshoot the airdrop:-

    Related: Troubleshoot the airdrop on Mac

    I. Check the Bluetooth and Wifi of both devices are enable or on.
    II. Check that the personal hotspot of both devices is disable.
    III. Both devices are in the range of network of airdrop.
    IV.  Check the receiving option when you transfer your data to another person but he set “contacts only” and you not in his contact list. Then
    1. Change receiving option to “Everyone”. or
    2.  Add the person detail in contact.
    In short, to use airdrop is quite easy and airdrop is use for various purpose. In this post, I covered all topics related to Airdrop but still if you any topic that is related to Airdrop and important to know for people then comment it in comment box and like the post.